Stateful vs Stateless
My next blog post is going to be a healthy debate on when to remain stateless and when to be stateful. There are pros and cons in both, choosing between them determines how much enjoyment, learning one will go through in his life. End of the day, our goal is to remain healthy, peaceful and explore every bit of this god gifted life. Well, the title might sound I am extending my previous blog of mind-body sync but this time it is not about physical or mental fitness rather discuss my experiences about state a.k.a mindset or attitude towards life and how it impacts our daily routine. Einstein in his famous quote says "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -- Albert Einstein What it implies is you need to focus on task in hand not the outcome. Whatever may your profession be, we all feel the pressure of being successful and always been preached to win but very rarely our education or corporate systems or society accepts failure as an answer. Perhaps,...